We've partnered with WhatHouse? to help you get your perfect new build. Whether you need help finding the best deal, increasing your affordability - or you just need someone to help you through the process, Tembo will be with you every step of the way. Best of all, you get 50% off as a referral from WhatHouse? - that's a saving of up to £499.
We're on a mission to make home happen. That's why our customers voted us the UK's Best Mortgage Broker at the British Bank Awards in 2022, 2023 and 2024! So whether you're struggling to buy your first new build home, it's time to upsize, or you need to remortgage in a hurry, talk to Tembo.
Abi W - Tembo customer
We’ll assess your eligibility and maximum affordability for over 15 buying schemes. Plus we'll show you live interest rates and indicative monthly repayments for each scheme. All in under 10-minutes!
Book a call with our mortgage experts to complete the qualification process, and we’ll cover off any questions you might have about mortgages and the home buying journey. We're open 7-days a week.
Once you’ve found a home you love, your dedicated advisor will undertake full affordability checks to prepare the mortgage application. Then we’ll submit it on your behalf. Simple.
During the conveyancing process, we’ll liaise with the seller and your solicitors to ensure a smooth purchase. We’ll also provide a free protection review for your insurance needs.